School Uniform


Sgoil Stafainn has a school uniform which all pupils are expected to wear:

School Clothing: Royal Blue Jumper, Grey Skirt/Trousers, Blue Shirt/Blouse, School Sweatshirt, Yellow polo shirt (Uniform to be ordered from the School Office)

P.E. Kit: Shorts, Gym Shoes, T-shirt.  Children must bring shorts, jogging trousers/leggings depending on the activity.

All children should also bring warm waterproof outdoor clothing. Shorts, T-shirts and gym shoes are required for P.E. All clothing should be labelled with the pupil’s name and P.E. clothing should be brought to school in a separate bag. Pupils should not come to school dressed in gym clothes or to leave them on after their P.E. lesson.

Children whose parents are in receipt of Income Support/ Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance or Child Tax Credit (but not Working Tax Credit) may be entitled to help with school uniform.